Florida Maquis, my favorite YouTuber:
Obviously we learn.  We remember a lot of routine things we have done recently.  But when it comes to emotionally charged things, it is more complicated; I think this is very important and hope to do a video on it soon.  Somewhere in between, there are things that are neither troubling nor routine.  These are my joy.  It is for them that I spend more than a reasonable amount of time cruising the internet.  It does not trouble me that much I find is probably not true.  I follow a couple of respectable weather channels, which often conflict with each other and with themselves over the course of a few days.  This I do not think of as a problem.

Over time, I have found fewer and fewer new ideas on the internet.  One glorious exception is a YouTube site called Florida Maquis.

For background, let me wander back to the days I used to ride a motorcycle in Europe on two-lane roads.  Say I was southbound and a truck came along in the other lane.  I would lean into the gale coming off the side of the front of the truck nearer me.  In a very short time, we would have passed each other, and now the gale came from the other side.  In a twinkling I would be in the center of the truck’s lane head on with the next vehicle.  I never had difficulty getting back to where I belonged, but it did get my attention.

Fast forward a few decades, and there were in the South China Sea, I think it was, not one but two occasions when an American destroyer was be hit by a tanker.  A destroyer is fast and nimble, so the tragic accident should have been most avoidable.  I concluded that the destroyer would come along side of the tanker, possibly to snoop electronically, and swoosh by.  As the warship’s bow entered the race of water being shoved aside by the monster, the person at the wheel would bring the rudder over to keep a constant heading.   But as soon as the two bows passed each other, it would lurch in across the heading of the tanker.  Now cutting the wheel one way would swing the bow into the tanker while cutting the wheel the other way would make the stern hit the tanker.  Reversing engines would probably have taken too long, and the result was tragedy. 

Placing a reversible propeller at the bow of a destroyer would be an engineering challenge.  But just putting a second rudder up there would seem to be cheap and easy.  I have no idea why I have never heard of it. 

It was during the sad days when I was reading about the collisions that I first ran across Florida Marquis.  He had a different take on matters.  I never quite gathered what his bottom line was, but he traced out what the ships had done and compared that with what was said.  The result was a contradiction. 

I was most interested in his analysis, and since then I have been his devoted follower.  If like me, you want to look at new ideas and new evidence brought to bear, I cannot recommend him highly enough.

Since then he has graced us with reports on Venezuela, with the discovery of mysterious pentagonal features on the earth found on Google Earth Pro, their amazing alignments and most recently, a large number of intriguing features in Antarctica.  I’ll not steal his thunder by making bold to explain what I like best.   But the fact is that in my opinion he is amazingly energetic, highly intelligent, and puts out new ideas that I can grasp at a rate greater than that of the whole rest of the internet combined.

He would be the most closely watched channel on the internet if people like me were more than a vanishingly small group.  I invite you to hie on over to https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=florida+maquis+   or just Google Florida Marquis.

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